Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Plano, Speeding Ticket Attorney

Speeding Citations Written in Plano, Texas

Are you looking to keep your driving record clear of the effects of an outstanding speeding citation issued in Plano, Texas? Are you a CDL holder on a quest to protect your livelihood? Attorney Jack Byno has over two decades of experience when it comes to lifting warrants and taking on speeding citations. Contact the law office today at 817-685-0912.

Attorney Jack Byno Fights Plano-Issued Speeding Tickets

Attorney Jack Byno and his colleagues have a history of helping Class C drivers obtain probation for speeding tickets issued in Plano, and assisting CDL holders, who aren't eligible for probation, with the trial process. Posting bonds and lifting warrants for over 20 years, Attorney Jack Byno is ready to work for you. Call the law firm at 817-685-0912.

Let Jack Byno & Associates Work for You

Long trusted for his knowledge and expertise, Attorney Jack Byno is relied on by drivers looking to fight warrants and outstanding speeding tickets written by law enforcement in Plano and other areas in Collin County. Give Jack Byno & Associates a call at 817-685-0912.

Fines and court costs are not included in fees for legal representation.

Principle office located at 2319 Hall-Johnson Rd. Suite B, Colleyville, TX 76034. For more information, please call 817-685-0912.