Friday, October 16, 2015

Fairview CDL Defense Lawyer

Disputation of Fairview, Texas CDL Violations

Every day in Fairview, Texas, Class C and commercial motorists alike found to be breaking traffic law are subjected to traffic stops by police and written citations. Maybe you are a bus driver, truck driver, or other professional motorist who holds a commercial driver's license for work purposes. If you are, and if you have been written a CDL or trucking violation at a D.O.T. stop or elsewhere along your work route in Fairview, you may be looking to challenge your ticket. This is as opposed to pleading guilty to it, which will only see points added to your otherwise clean driving record. If you are hopeful to challenge your Fairview CDL violation, but seek professional legal assistance in doing so, pick up the phone and call Jack Byno & Associates. Give us a call today at 817-685-0912, or contact me for more information.

What Happens When Fairview CDL Violations Fall Into Warrant?

A traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Collin County, Texas, Jack Byno & Associates knows what it takes to provide exceptional legal defense against traffic tickets written in the City of Fairview. We also know how to get warrants lifted on behalf of our eligible Class C and commercial clients. This service may be of interest to you in the case that you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Fairview Municipal Court. You may have been, as a penalty, if you allowed your ticket to go past due instead of responding to it. If you are hopeful to steer clear of arrest if at all possible, and protect your means of living as a CDL driver, you must take legal action to get your warrant lifted. Remember that, if you are qualified, this is a task that Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to assist you in accomplishing. We may not only lift your Fairview warrant for you, but may also post bond for you as well. Please contact me to learn more, or call 817-685-0912.

Fines and court costs are not included in fees for legal representation.

Principle office located at 2319 Hall-Johnson Rd. Suite B, Colleyville, TX 76034. For more information, please call 817-685-0912.